Ron Paul Supporters Support The Wall Street Protest?
by Matthew
Edward Hayward on Wednesday, October 12, 2011
I think the disconnect we have comes
from a philosophy that sounds like this: “You do not need to agree 100%, 80% is
enough. We should support the candidate that fits most of our ideals.” (Please
correct me if I am wrong.) Either way, I hope the following helps you to
understand, at least in part, why some of Ron Paul’s supporters attend the Wall
street protests and work with those on the far left.
It is the 20% I disagree with that
motivated my involvement. My concerns are not vague or ideologically complex. I
do not care if you support the ‘Federal’ war drugs, going into Iraq, or even to
assassinate someone, even a US citizen. What matters to me is that we go about
these matters in a Constitutional way. Even if I disagree with the outcome, as
long as it is done legally and in accordance to the Constitution, that would be
enough to win over my acceptance. The ends do not justify the means, I
holistically reject utilitarianism.
All that said, I have great respect
for the likes of Glenn Greenwald, Noam Chomsky, Dennis Kucinich, and Ralph
Nader. I may disagree with them on 80%, maybe a little more, but the few things
we agree on are paramount. I would vote for someone who aimed to follow the
rule of law, to do something I did not want or agree with, over someone who
would perverts the law to accomplish what I want. Put in simple terms, I
believe in principled men/women and question the path of 99% of those in
office. I am called an idealist for not supporting evil, So be it. I am an
idealist that refuses to support evil.(Evil as I define it are those who hide
behind the flag, religion or a political agenda in order to obfuscate and
undermined, if not totally ignoring the Constitution and rule of law.) All
those who vote for the lesser of evils are guilty.
I will not vote for any candidate
that supports morally wrong and illegal legislation like the Patriot Act.
Anyone who supports the suspension of the Bill of rights and wants to take this
country toward a Nazi Germany police State, is an enemy of the people. It makes
little difference if the person is a civilian or elected official, I have no
respect for a traitor that serves to destroy what our country once stood for.
In fact, those in higher offices that permit such acts to take place are
Culpable and should be held accountable. All Americans who supporters those who
commit acts of treason against the people and the Constitution are accomplices
and should also be tried as traitors.
This is far bigger than left verse
right, big business verse social programs and taxes, mandated healthcare, gays
and marriage etc. The issues of the day fall to the core existence of a free
society, none of the other matters have merit or relevance if we are going to
continue to live in a lawless land of increasing State power and tyranny
endorsed by both major parties. Yes, I will work with a Communist, Muslim,
Socialist etc, as long as they believe we should not be torturing people, assassinating
people, incarcerating people indefinitely without access to a court and
defense. As long as they believe that we need to follow Article 1 Section 8,
Clause 11 of the Constitution, that makes them more American than a majority of
those in both major parties.
My motivation, like that of most of
Ron Paul's supporters is not about getting a party into power. We don't care
about winning some token battles. We want, and believe we need a revolution. We
hope to accomplish this by means of education, thus leading to a political revolution.
Violence, though sometimes necessary, is a last resort and not desired. We
would much rather influence and direct the anger of those protesting wall
street toward the Federal Reserve. We hope to educate ‘some’ of the protesters
to realize that we are all in this together, losing our rights and liberties,
and that the Federal Reserve is the entity that creates an environment
encouraging moral hazard, perpetual war and exploitation. Most importantly for
everyone on both sides to understand is, capitalism and corporatism are not the
same. I will work with anyone interested in ending the FED and restoring our
civil liberties.
Bard student speaking at Washington
Square Park
OCCUPIED!! Tell it like it is brother....mirror
"CptnMidnite Responds To Glenn
Beck" End the Fed / Occupy Wall Street
Alex Jones Breaks Down The Occupy
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