Getting worked up about school shootings is similar to Republicans getting worked up over some insignificant spending bill that makes up less than 1% of the budget. Anytime anyone gets all worked up over something that makes up less than 1% of a categorical problem and thinks laws need to be changed, I am grateful we do not live in a democracy. These things are problems that are being brought up, often tragic and obvious, but they are also small in comparison to more common events that get no coverage.
If we passed bills based on priorities, most of the bills being proposed and introduced would not be on the table and a whole slew of proposals would exist to address real problems that most people are sadly unaware of, problems that make up a larger than 1% of children’s deaths, adults deaths, the budget etc. If you want to talk about big issues that have big impacts on human life and freedom, the first thing to do is shut off your T.V.
If an accident happens, swallowing a toy magnet that is intended for adult offices, an herbicide is improperly handled and causes environmental damage, inevitably those affected and several others with getting all worked up and emotionally demand something be done. The fact of the matter is, accidents happen and no amount of regulation and protectionist laws can ever make us perfectly safe, all they can do is make us less free.
Next thing you know they will claim that micro chipping your children will allow us to track down our kids if they are kidnapped, putting cameras outside of our houses and inside our houses with a live feed to a new public security department will help keep us safer from home invasions, that putting cameras in women’s bathrooms will make them safer from the possibility of being raped, or maybe we should take a drug test before being able to start our cars. Aren’t these all great ideas? I am sure you can come up with more if we put our heads together and take away all of our privacy and freedom I bet we can almost be safe.
You know that dieting is a real problem in our country, both malnutrition and even more, obesity. We need a dietitian, czars!
If we passed bills based on priorities, most of the bills being proposed and introduced would not be on the table and a whole slew of proposals would exist to address real problems that most people are sadly unaware of, problems that make up a larger than 1% of children’s deaths, adults deaths, the budget etc. If you want to talk about big issues that have big impacts on human life and freedom, the first thing to do is shut off your T.V.
If an accident happens, swallowing a toy magnet that is intended for adult offices, an herbicide is improperly handled and causes environmental damage, inevitably those affected and several others with getting all worked up and emotionally demand something be done. The fact of the matter is, accidents happen and no amount of regulation and protectionist laws can ever make us perfectly safe, all they can do is make us less free.
Next thing you know they will claim that micro chipping your children will allow us to track down our kids if they are kidnapped, putting cameras outside of our houses and inside our houses with a live feed to a new public security department will help keep us safer from home invasions, that putting cameras in women’s bathrooms will make them safer from the possibility of being raped, or maybe we should take a drug test before being able to start our cars. Aren’t these all great ideas? I am sure you can come up with more if we put our heads together and take away all of our privacy and freedom I bet we can almost be safe.
You know that dieting is a real problem in our country, both malnutrition and even more, obesity. We need a dietitian, czars!
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