A Foreign Policy of Freedom: Peace, Commerce, and Honest Friendship
This book is a compilation of speeches given on the House floor dating back to the late seventies early eighties. It shows the strongest opposition we have in Congress to American interventionist foreign policy in our lifetime. No member of congress has a stronger anti war voting record than Ron Paul. I would recommend all who oppose undeclared no win wars, or any war for that matter, take a look at this book.
A Foreign Policy of Freedom: Peace, Commerce, and Honest Friendship
Though quite misunderstood by most, Ron Paul is a true supporter of liberty. He consistently talks about the how corporations, special interests, and the military industrial complex have hijacked our economy and government. With tremendous fervor Paul fruitlessly opposes, often standing alone in protests, our military involvement and propping up of couturiers around the world. He exquisitely explains how America is hedging its bets playing both sides of every conflict. He pleads with his fellow members of Congress to see the confliction of entering trade organizations while maintaining treaties and alliances with Warring nations
Government naturally grows and consolidates power as many witnessed during the Bush years. This is not new, but it is vital that people understand that as Government expands and concentrates its power, it tends to become less accountable to the people and their liberties. Strong rhetoric is dwarfed by inconsistency in actions. Bush ran in 2000 with a humble foreign policy including but not limited to "no nation building'.”If we don't stop extending our troops all around the world in nation-building missions, then we're going to have a serious problem coming down the road." [Gov. George W. Bush, 10/3/00]
Let us go forward with great caution hanging on to our hope but not allowing it to blind us. Please do not cast blame on your suede opposition but rather focus on the massive challenges we all face. Do not be the quite majority that allows their leader to talk accountability and pass some of the most important legislation is history without allowing the people or even the members of Congress to examine it. When the word transparency is used in DC are they referring to 20/20 hide site? We are free to see what has been done.
The George Bush You Forgot
Cheney '94: Invading Baghdad Would Create Quagmire C-SPAN
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